Method Promises to Put an End to Your Dog’s Bath and Grooming Scandals

Method Promises to Put an End to Your Dog's Bath and Grooming Scandals
Method Promises to Put an End to Your Dog’s Bath and Grooming Scandals (Photo: Freepik)

Although the bathing and grooming process may seem simple, pets can be exposed to stressful factors, such as being handled by strangers and coming into contact with other dogs.

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Dogs’ responses to grooming services vary. Some can adapt positively, while others become sensitive to the same procedures. In this case, the so-called “low-stress bath” is the most recommended, providing calmness and tranquility during the bathing and grooming process.

The innovative method focuses on the well-being of dogs and cats. With personalized care, the behavior of each pet is studied to understand what causes stress during the bathing and grooming procedure.

The process begins by building a relationship between the grooming professional and the pet. Creating a calm and relaxing environment is also important at this moment, with music therapy and calming aromas, eliminating stress-inducing factors in the environment. Throughout the process, the professional will be fully attentive to the pet’s behavioral signals, respecting their limitations, and, if necessary, pausing the process for a while to ensure the pet feels comfortable. Tidbits, licks, and lots of affection are part of this relaxing bath.

According to specialist Thiago Teixeira, director-general of Nouvet, a high-level veterinary center in São Paulo, the method is suitable for all animals. However, for those who have already experienced traumatic moments, even outside the grooming center, it becomes an essential practice.

“The behavior of dogs varies according to their personality, so it’s important to get to know your pet and respect their limits. In the low-stress bath, all steps are carried out considering the individualities of the dog or cat, minimizing any risk of stress,” says the veterinarian.

What many pet owners may not realize is how the hygiene routine at pet shops or even at home can affect the health of their dogs and cats. A stressful routine has a negative impact on the pet’s immune system.

“Pets tend to have a weakened immune system when subjected to continuous stress episodes. Stressors can lead to fluctuations in heart rate, respiratory rate, and an increase in body temperature. Bathing and grooming, when synonymous with anxiety and insecurity for the dog or cat, can become a negative constant in their health, potentially causing illnesses, habits, or even excessive salivation, emotional dependence on the owner, among other symptoms,” emphasizes Teixeira.

Low-stress bathing is a practice that can also be developed at home but always with guidance and recommendations from professionals specialized in the subject. In some cases, the pet may not feel comfortable having the procedure done at a pet shop, so the solution is tutor training. “The most important thing is to talk to your veterinarian about the possibilities to make this moment as pleasant as possible, whether at home or in the clinic,” Teixeira concludes.

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