Everything you need to know before giving a pet as a gift

Everything you need to know before giving a pet as a gift
Everything you need to know before giving a pet as a gift (Photo: Duffy Brook/Unsplash)

Thinking about giving a pet as a gift during the holiday season? Despite seeming like just a cute idea to surprise a loved one, having a pet is a significant decision that requires a lot of commitment and responsibility.

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According to experts, if you’re thinking of gifting a pet this holiday season, make sure the recipient is ready to add a new member to the family and take on that commitment.

“It’s the kind of gift that you should decide on together, rather than [making it] a surprise,” said Maria Verbrugge, clinical instructor of primary care at the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine, on an episode of The Larry Meiller Show on Wisconsin Public Radio.

Lori Caszatt, interim executive director of the Lake Humane Society in Ohio, USA, noted that new owners should think about the amount of time they have to dedicate to a new pet, in addition to expenses.

“We never want to see a pet returned because someone felt a pet would make a great Christmas present and then realized they don’t have the time or desire to care for it,” she emphasized in a conversation with The News-Herald.

So, here are some things you should and shouldn’t follow when considering bringing a pet home:

  • Before considering buying a pet from a breeder or pet store, visit the local animal shelter or rescue group. Not only will you save a life, but many shelter pets have been part of a family and will quickly adapt to being in a home again;
  • Take the time to research what type of pet fits best with your lifestyle. Shelter staff can provide information about pets and help people decide what type of pet would be compatible;
  • Don’t surprise your family with a pet without consulting everyone in your household and ensuring that everyone is committed to taking care of the pet.
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