How many dogs do you see in the image? The result will reveal your mental age

How many dogs do you see in the image? The result will reveal your mental age
How many dogs do you see in the image? The result will reveal your mental age (Photo: Reproduction)

A new personality test involving an image of several dogs can determine your true mental age. Want to find out yours?

+ Affection aids in the diagnosis of tumors in dogs and cats; understand
+ Pet owners, whether of dogs or cats, experience a significantly slower cognitive decline, indicates study

The black and white drawing features some dogs, and depending on how many you can identify in the image, your mental age varies. Check out the image below and count how many little dogs you can see:

(Photo: Reproduction)

Did you see 4 dogs?

Your mental age ranges between 20 and 25 years. Full of creativity, your mind thrives in quiet places. Your essence longs for expression, whether getting lost in melodies, diving into a book, or painting your feelings. A quiet corner is your mental refuge where creative ideas can truly flourish.

Counted 5 puppies?

If you found 5 furry friends in the image, your mental age is between 25 and 30 years. Your “less is more” approach radiates in everything, from your chic and minimalist wardrobe to the straightforward way you navigate emotions.

Spotted 6 dogs?

With a mental age between 30 and 40 years, you ground your thoughts in reality. Some may tease you for your conservative ideas, but many trust you for wisdom. With your potent combination of maturity, unwavering stability, and calm demeanor, you are the go-to person in your circle of friends.

Sighted 7 dogs?

Spotting 7 dogs places your mental age between 10 and 20 years. Your heart exudes contagious innocence, making you irresistibly charming. Your genuine nature is a breath of fresh air in a world where candor is a rare gem.

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