Videos Capture Animals Stopping Everything to Listen to Good Music

Videos capture animals stopping everything to listen to good music
Videos capture animals stopping everything to listen to good music (Photo: Reprodução/Instagram)

The stunning video showing various animals stopping everything they were doing to enjoy music has left internet users in awe!

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The post, made at the end of July on Instagram, is a compilation of clips featuring various animals such as dogs, bulls, goats, geese, horses, guinea pigs, giraffes, whales, and even butterflies, all caught on camera enjoying some good music.

“Music is the universal language that can bring humans and animals together in harmony,” says the caption shared with the video, which has already garnered over 200,000 likes and thousands of comments from users moved by the scene.

“I completely agree and love these videos!” commented an Instagram user. “Animals are much smarter than we think,” said another. “Magical things in this world: music and animals,” stated a third internet user.

Photo and video: Instagram @artgaleryx. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

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