Video: Traffic stops as goose couple and their goslings cross the highway

Traffic stops as goose couple and their goslings cross the highway. Photo: Instagram Reproduction
Traffic stops as goose couple and their goslings cross the highway. Photo: Instagram Reproduction

The impressive video of a goose couple crossing a highway with their goslings is melting the hearts of internet users!

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The clip, shared on Instagram, shows a goose couple standing on the median of a highway, waiting for traffic to stop. When the cars stop, the couple crosses the highway with several of their goslings in an utterly adorable scene.

“A goose couple carefully leading their goslings across the crosswalk, while people in their cars respectfully wait on both sides – we’re here to watch every part of this video!”, says the caption.

The adorable video, posted in early May, has already received over 9 million views, as well as over 670,000 likes and thousands of comments from internet users who were moved by the scene.

“I love that they used the crosswalk,” said one Instagram user. “Such a well-behaved and smart family,” commented another. “Seeing moments like this gives peace to the heart and makes you feel like it’s paradise on earth!”, affirmed a third internet user.

This content was created with the assistance of AI.

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