Video of cat overcoming mazes is the most viewed on TikTok

Video of cat overcoming mazes is the most viewed on TikTok (Photo: Reproduction/TikTok)
Video of cat overcoming mazes is the most viewed on TikTok (Photo: Reproduction/TikTok @mmeowmmia)

The video of a kitten overcoming difficult mazes was the most watched clip on TikTok this year, according to data from the video sharing platform.

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TikTok revealed that its most popular video this year was Mia the cat @mmeowmmia completing an obstacle course, which was watched over 184 million times on the app.

In the clip, the kitten successfully goes through 5 levels of mazes with plastic cups and attracted the attention of internet users. “What a smart kitten,” said one TikTok user in the comments. “The James Bond music in the background,” pointed out another. “Your video is truly impressive,” admitted a third.

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