Lady Lola is a 4-year-old Birman cat who lives on a large cargo ship in the Netherlands. There she lives with her feline mother (Nina), another cat of the ragdoll breed (Olan), a cockatoo (Shakira) and the humans Iris (mother) and Dylan (son).

+ Video: Dog is rescued with nearly a kilo of matted fur
Iris is the captain of the ship, which transports products from Amsterdam to Rotterdam and arrives at ports in Germany along the Rhine River.
Perhaps due to the common swaying on boats, Lady Lola found her favorite spot within the ship: her owner’s back. The videos capturing this have made the cat a star on Instagram (183 thousand followers) and YouTube (124 thousand)
And there’s no home activity – or cat interest – that Iris does at home without Lady Lola ending up hanging like a backpack.

When Lola wants to move from the kitchen to the living room sofa
Quando Iris tenta limpar o chão de casa
Quando a capitã prepara o jantar
Quando chega a hora de passar a roupa