Title: Video: Bird ‘Resurrects’ and Nearly Gives Cat a Heart Attack

Video: Bird 'Resurrects' and Nearly Gives Cat a Heart Attack

A video of a bird playing a prank on a cat has gone viral on social media. The cat, thinking the bird was dead, got a big surprise when it took off flying.

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The video, shared on Twitter, shows a cat playing with a seemingly lifeless bird. However, a hilarious turn of events left both the cat and the audience in astonishment.

To the cat’s shock, the bird was not dead. As the cat attempted to play with the bird, it suddenly got up and flew away from the feline’s claws.

The cat was dumbfounded. It chased after the bird but was out of luck. “April Fools’ Day,” the caption read.

In the comments, netizens enjoyed the cleverness of the little creature.

“That can’t be real. Not even humans are that smart, how can a bird be so clever?” one exclaimed.

“Smart bird, the winner. Confident cat, the loser,” joked another.

“I used to have the wrong idea that only humans can act. But after watching this video, that has completely changed,” stated a third.

Video: Reproduction from Twitter @susantananda3

Photo: Condutta / Dall-e

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