This hilarious video of dogs sleeping in bizarre positions will brighten your day

This hilarious video of dogs sleeping in bizarre positions will brighten your day
This hilarious video of dogs sleeping in bizarre positions will brighten your day (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

The hilarious video of various dogs caught sleeping in completely bizarre positions is making internet users burst into laughter!

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The funny clip, posted on Instagram, is a compilation of moments where dogs were filmed by their owners during moments of complete laziness, sleeping in the strangest positions you can imagine!

Since it was shared on August 8th, the video has already garnered over 1.4 million views, more than 121,000 likes, and hundreds of comments from internet users who enjoyed the scene.

“Oh, cuties,” said an Instagram user. “They are all so adorable. I love them,” admitted another. “They couldn’t be cuter,” stated a third internet user. “This is totally how I feel in the morning,” said yet another.

As bizarre as they may seem, dogs’ sleeping positions are like little clues that can give an idea of how they are feeling, according to canine behavior experts.

Just like humans, dogs sleep in various positions. From sleeping on their side to sleeping on their back with their paws up, we can learn a lot about our furry friends through their sleeping positions and habits.

Photo and video: Instagram @my.petsie. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

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