The 5 Best Dog Breeds for Elderly Owners

The 5 Best Dog Breeds for Elderly OwnersMaltese and Greyhound. Photo: Pexels

Some dog breeds make better companions for elderly owners, needing less exercise or grooming and tending to be more relaxed and calm pets.

Check out the best dog breeds for elderly owners:

1. Poodle

Poodle. Photo: Pexels
Poodle. Photo: Pexels

Poodles, whether standard, miniature, or toy, have all the necessary attributes to be great companion dogs for older owners.

They are extremely intelligent and loving, easy to train, only need one walk per day, and require grooming (such as bathing and clipping) only once a month.

2. Maltese

One of the smallest breeds, the Maltese may be small, but it is also one of the most empathetic pets and is often used as a therapy dog.

They require very little outdoor exercise, and even giving them a daily brushing can be quite therapeutic and relaxing.

3. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Photo: Pexels

The small Cavalier King Charles Spaniel requires a bit more care than other small dog breeds, but they are quiet, intelligent, easy to train, and love to cuddle with their owners on the couch.

4. Boston Terrier

Boston Terrier. Photo: Pexels
Boston Terriers tend to be completely devoted to their owners, with whom they enjoy sitting quietly for long periods. Their short coat means they require little grooming and are easy to care for overall.

5. Greyhound

Greyhounds are gentle and affectionate dogs that make great companions for older people. Adopting a greyhound looking for a new home can also mean not having to deal with an energetic and untrained puppy.

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