Many people make some “slips” when taking care of their pets, but certain mistakes can lead to health problems and even shorten a pet’s life.
Ontdek wat er met je kat gebeurt als hij kaas eet
Hoewel het beeld van een kat die melk drinkt gebruikelijk is, houden niet alle felines van of kunnen ze zuivelproducten consumeren. Veel katten zijn lactose-intolerant, wat betekent dat ze de suiker in melk niet kunnen verwerken, wat kan leiden tot spijsverteringsproblemen.
Read More3 expert tips to calm your dog during vet visits
Does your dog get very anxious and stressed during vet visits? While some dogs are satisfied with a few tasty treats, others may need different interventions to relax.
Read MoreWoman takes cat to vet and discovers she is the owner of a non-binary cat
A woman from Utah was perplexed to discover that her cat, initially thought to be male, actually does not fit into traditional gender categories.
Read MoreCucciolo di carlino ingoia 60 elastici per capelli e finisce in ospedale
Le birichinate di un cucciolo di carlino chiamato Ham sono diventate una situazione preoccupante quando la famiglia lo ha portato dal veterinario e ha scoperto che aveva ingoiato fino a 60 elastici per capelli.
Read MorePug Puppy Swallows 60 Hair Ties and Ends Up in the Hospital
The mischievous antics of a pug puppy named Ham turned into a concerning situation when the family took him to the veterinarian and discovered he had swallowed up to 60 hair ties.
Read MoreCãozinho pug engole 60 elásticos de cabelo e vai parar no hospital
A travessura de um cachorrinho pug chamado Ham se tornou uma situação preocupante quando a família o levou ao veterinário e descobriu que ele havia engolido até 60 elásticos de cabelo
Read More10 Cose che Tutti Dovrebbero Sapere Prima di Portare a Casa un Animale Domestico
Un veterinario con oltre 40 anni di esperienza, Michael Edwards, ha svelato alcuni preziosi consigli per chiunque voglia avere un animale domestico
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