Il pappagallo Chico ha conquistato internet cantando il successo “If I Were A Boy”, pubblicato da Beyoncé nel 2008. La performance dell’animale è così impressionante che ha attirato fan da tutto il mondo. Guarda il video qui!
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Video: Parrot Sings Beyoncé Song and Breaks the Internet
The parrot Chico took the internet by storm by singing the hit “If I Were A Boy,” released by Beyoncé in 2008. The animal’s performance is so impressive that it has attracted fans from all around the world. Watch it here!
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Un video inaspettato sta attirando l’attenzione sui social media: una mucca, con un mantello che ricorda la famosa pittura facciale della band Kiss.
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An unexpected video is catching attention on social media: a cow, with a coat resembling the famous face paint of the band Kiss.
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