A black cat named John had to be rescued by firefighters after getting stuck in a drainpipe in a garage in Clevedon, Somerset, England.
Read Moresocial media
In un video incredibile, un uomo e un gallo saltano la corda insieme
In un video che ha rapidamente conquistato i social, un uomo e il suo gallo sono protagonisti di una scena divertente e insolita.
Read MoreIn an incredible video, a man and a rooster jump rope together
In a video that quickly went viral on social media, a man and his rooster star in a fun and unusual scene.
Read MoreHilarious Video: Dog Feels Uncomfortable with Odor Emitted by Gassy Baby
A hilarious video is going viral on social media, showcasing an unexpected interaction between a baby and a Golden Retriever.
Read MoreVideo carino: il cavallo non riesce a controllare l’affetto per il suo custode
Un video commovente sta conquistando i cuori sui social media, mostrando il legame speciale tra un grande cavallo nero e il suo custode.
Read MoreCute video: horse can’t control its affection for its caregiver
An emotional video is capturing hearts on social media by showing the special bond between a large black horse and its caregiver.
Read MoreVideo divertente: una ragazza commette un errore disgustoso mangiando un gelato con una rana in mano
Un video insolito sta diventando virale sui social media. La scena inizia con una ragazza che tiene un gelato in una mano e una rana nell’altra.
Read MoreFunny Video: Girl Makes Disgusting Mistake While Eating Ice Cream with a Frog in Her Hand
An unusual video is going viral on social media. The scene begins with a girl holding an ice cream in one hand and a frog in the other.
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