According to scientists, wolves raised by humans cooperate as well with their caretakers as pet dogs do. This suggests that domestication did not necessarily lead to reduced aggression or enhanced cognitive abilities in dogs.
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Dona revela a dieta que fez sua gata chegar saudável aos 23 anos
Kate, a dona de uma gata de 23 anos chamada Effie, revelou o que ela dá de comer para sua gatinha para garantir que ela ficasse saudável por tanto tempo.
Read MoreA história da domesticação dos cães a partir dos lobos está errada, dizem cientistas
De acordo com cientistas, lobos criados por humanos cooperam tão bem com seus cuidadores quanto cães de estimação. Isso sugere que a domesticação não levou a menos agressividade ou habilidades cognitivas aprimoradas em cães.
Read MoreFunny video shows how cats struggle to coexist with several other species
The funny video showing what happens when a cat crosses paths with another animal is making internet users burst out laughing!
Read MoreWater Day: The Care You Need to Take When Hydrating Your Pet
World Water Day, celebrated on March 22, reinforces that potable water is an indispensable resource for all living beings, including pets.
Read MoreImpressive video captures the most violent fight between dog and cat
The video showing an intense fight between a dog and a cat is leaving internet users in awe!
Read MoreThree ways to make sure your cat knows you love them
If you’ve ever wondered if your cat knows they’re loved, a feline behavior expert has shared a few ways to make sure they do.
Read MoreCheck out 13 subtle signs your cat may have a health problem
One of the most well-known personality traits of cats is that they are experts at hiding pain. Therefore, it can be difficult for owners to tell when their cat is sick.
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