The astonishing video of multiple cats putting themselves in situations that not even Tom Cruise would have the courage to face will leave you breathless!
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Lively colors of cat eyes may have come from a surprising ancestor, study says
For the first time, researchers have mapped the evolution of eye color in cats, discovering that a peculiar ancestor is responsible for the diversity of eyes in the feline family, including yellow-eyed tigers and blue-eyed snow leopards.
Read More10 Things Humans Do That Cats Dislike
Experts warn that, although many humans often care for cats like a baby, it’s crucial to remember that they have specific needs and behaviors as a different species. For this reason, some human behaviors can make felines uncomfortable.
Read MoreAlles wat u moet weten voordat u een Sphynx-kat adopteert
De adoptie van een schattige kitten is iets waar iedereen al aan gedacht heeft, maar adoptie is een serieuze zaak en vereist veel voorafgaande planning. Dit is vooral het geval bij de felines van het sphynx ras, de beroemde “haarloze kat” die doet denken aan een sphinx.
Read MoreEverything You Need to Know Before Adopting a Sphynx Cat
Adopting a cute kitten is something everyone has thought of doing, but adoption is a serious matter and requires a lot of prior planning. This is especially the case when it comes to the felines of the sphynx breed, the famous “hairless cat” that resembles a sphinx.
Read MoreMeet the 9 most expensive cat breeds in the world.
All cats are beautiful, but in a world of lovely kittens, these 9 breeds stand out from the rest when it comes to cost, according to the website
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