Living in a big city often means sacrificing space. If you’re looking for a canine companion, don’t let life in small apartments stand in your way!
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Video: Affectionate Cat Takes Huge Risk by Petting Aggressive Dog
A video has gone viral on the web and has been catching people’s attention. In it, an incredibly affectionate kitten tries to pet an aggressive dog.
Read MoreTot 2027 zal Zuid-Korea de consumptie van hondenvlees verbieden
In een historische beslissing heeft de Zuid-Koreaanse regering verklaard dat ze van plan is later dit jaar wetgeving in te voeren om de honden vleesindustrie te verbieden, die momenteel resulteert in de slachting van maximaal 1 miljoen honden per jaar voor menselijke consumptie.
Read MoreBis 2027 wird Südkorea den Verzehr von Hundefleisch verbieten
In einer historischen Entscheidung erklärte die südkoreanische Regierung, dass sie beabsichtigt, noch in diesem Jahr Gesetze einzuführen, um die Hundefleischindustrie zu verbieten, die derzeit jährlich bis zu 1 Million Hunde für den menschlichen Verzehr schlachtet.
Read MoreUntil 2027, South Korea will ban the consumption of dog meat
In a historic decision, the South Korean government has stated that it intends to introduce legislation later this year to prohibit the dog meat industry, which currently results in the slaughter of up to 1 million dogs annually for human consumption.
Read MoreDiscover the winning images in the worldwide dog photo contest
Every year, the ‘Dog Photography Awards’ honors the best photos, from talented professionals to enthusiastic amateurs, of man’s best friend!
Read More3 reasons why your dog may be sad, according to an expert
Experts from the supplement company PupLabs used their official TikTok account to reveal and alert about what might be making your dog sad.
Read MoreCouple Receives $1,400 for Traveling Beside a Flatulent Dog on a 13-Hour Flight
A New Zealand couple received a refund of $1,410 after enduring an unpleasant situation on a 13-hour flight from Paris to Singapore with Singapore Airlines. They had paid for seats in premium economy class but were relocated to economy class, next to a dog that snored, drooled, and emitted gas
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