Startup launches door that prevents cats from bringing dead prey inside

Startup launches door that prevents cats from bringing dead prey inside
Startup launches door that prevents cats from bringing dead prey inside (Foto: Reprodução/YouTube)

During CES 2024, the twins Oliver and Denis Wilder, founders of the startup Flappie, presented a door for cats that prevents felines from bringing live and dead prey inside the house.

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The brothers said that the Flappie cat door was inspired by their mother’s struggle to prevent the family’s cats from bringing rats into the house.

“We want cat owners to finally breathe a sigh of relief, without fear of cute ‘surprises’ on their carpets,” said Oliver Wilder, who heads the engineering efforts at Flappie, on the company’s website.

The cat flap features an AI-powered detection system that refuses to let a cat enter the house if it’s carrying a mouse, bird, or other small animal in its mouth.

The door also has a manual locking system that can be operated by the owner and a chip detection option that will ensure the flap only opens for the pet with the owner’s specific microchip.

The Flappie door also includes internet connectivity so that the door can be operated, and camera images can be reviewed through an app on your phone. The door will cost $399, or $199 if the buyer purchases a two-year monthly subscription of $8.90 for the smartphone app.

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