Owners create fun and effective method to combat cat obesity

Owners create fun and effective method to combat cat obesity
Owners create fun and effective method to combat cat obesity (Photo: Reproduction/TikTok)

In a series of TikTok videos, owners of an overweight cat shared their foolproof method to combat the feline’s obesity.

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The owners of Chai needed a way to help her lose weight, as despite reducing the amount of food in her portions, she still managed to steal food from her sister, Leona, which led to further weight gain.

To solve this problem, the family devised a clever solution: a food dispenser toy with a button that Chai must press whenever she wants to eat. This kept her occupied and allowed her sister to eat without interruptions.

After teaching her that the dispenser would release a bit of kibble each time she pressed the button, Chai’s owners began placing some distance between the dispenser and the button. This way, Chai had to run to the food every time she pressed the button, encouraging physical activity.

According to them, Chai has already started shedding some pounds, and that wasn’t the only benefit the activity brought to the cat. “Since we started using it, we’ve noticed she has more energy and is much more playful!” said Chai’s owners in a video caption.

The method by Chai’s owners received praise from many online users. “This is the smartest technique I’ve ever seen!” commented one TikTok user. “This probably helps with her hunting instincts too!” remarked another. “This is amazing! Great idea to get her moving,” affirmed yet another.

@chai_n_leona Chai’s weightloss journey 1 month in! We have always portioned out her food but she started gaining weight because she kept stealing food from her blind sister when we weren’t looking. The button keeps her busy and gives her sister time to finish her food so Chai wont steal it. Since we started using it we have noticed she has more energy and has been much more playful! [Link to the dispensor is in my bio.] P.S. We shouldn’t have to explain our choices about our own pets but since last time there was a war in the comment section about dry food vs wet food… 1) we add water to their food, 2) we buy kibble with no plant protein or artificial colors/flavor/preservatives, 3) Leona refuses to eat wet food, 4) we compliment their diet with freeze dried treats (chicken, chicken hearts, and minows), 5) we have consulted 3 different vets and they all said dry food was purrfectly fine. HOWEVER we are also not promoting any particuler type of diet or claiming to be experts, you should always do your own research and consult your own vet. 🫶🏻😺 As always please be kind to eachother in the comments! Thank you for all the love we have been getting! 🥰 #cats #weightloss #cattraining #fatcat #treatdispenser ♬ Mr. Brightside – The Killers

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