Meet the ‘exaggerated’ cat breed that sparks health discussions

Meet the 'exaggerated' cat breed that sparks health discussions
Meet the ‘exaggerated’ cat breed that sparks health discussions (Instagram / @bullbinos)

In the United Kingdom, a new trend is emerging with the breeding of “Bullycats” cats, a hairless breed that exhibits exaggerated characteristics, such as short legs and extremely wrinkled skin, similar to Bully dogs.

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These cats, which seem to originate from the United States, are gaining popularity, but experts and animal welfare organizations warn that this “trend” is dangerous and cruel.

The breeding of these felines can result in serious health issues, such as sunburn due to lack of fur, mobility difficulties, and skin infections, leading to a life of suffering for the animals.

(Instagram / @bullbinos)
“Bullycat” (Instagram / @bullbinos)

The Naturewatch Foundation and other animal rights advocates are urging people to avoid purchasing these cats and to boycott this practice. They compare this trend to the breeding of dogs with extreme characteristics, which also cause animal suffering.

Additionally, animal epidemiologist Dr. Dan O’Neill, associated with the Royal Veterinary College (RVC), highlights that these cats may have a significantly reduced lifespan, comparable to that of Sphynx cats, which live on average only 6 to 7 years, in contrast to the 11.7-year average lifespan of other cat breeds.

Organizations like the RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) have expressed deep concern about this new trend, emphasizing that these cats face a range of health issues due to the selective breeding of extreme characteristics. In addition to physical problems, these cats may also lead to high veterinary costs for their owners.

Therefore, the general recommendation is that cat lovers consider adopting rescued cats rather than supporting the breeding of breeds with harmful and unnatural characteristics.

Source: DailyMail | This content was created with the help of AI.

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