Man Throws Pitbull Dog from 14th Floor of Building to Get Revenge on Ex-Friend

Man Throws Pitbull Dog from 14th Floor of Building to Get Revenge on Ex-FriendMan Throws Pitbull Dog from 14th Floor of Building to Get Revenge on Ex-Friend (Instagram @lutheartiste)

A young man from New York, Luis Gabriel Santamaria, was devastated to find out that his two-year-old pitbull, Kith, had been thrown from the balcony of the 14th floor by a friend he had recently met.

The suspect, Alberto Morris, 33 years old, broke into Santamaria’s Brooklyn apartment in the middle of the night after a disagreement at a Halloween party and committed the act in retaliation. Santamaria found Kith dead on the sidewalk when he returned home and reported that the dog was like a son to him, having been in his life since puppyhood.

Santamaria explained that his friendship with Morris had developed quickly, but that Morris soon started exhibiting obsessive and aggressive behaviors, such as sending strange messages and showing up unexpectedly.

At the party, Morris became drunk and even snatched Santamaria’s bag, which contained the apartment keys. Shortly afterward, he broke into the apartment and killed the dog before fleeing, allegedly trying to destroy evidence such as a security camera.

Man Throws Pitbull Dog from 14th Floor of Building to Get Revenge on Ex-Friend (Instagram @lutheartiste)Man Throws Pitbull Dog from 14th Floor of Building to Get Revenge on Ex-Friend (Instagram @lutheartiste)

Morris was arrested days later and charged with aggravated animal cruelty, among other crimes. However, due to laws that do not allow bail for such charges and the absence of a criminal record, he was released after the hearing. This left Santamaria and his family outraged and insecure, fearing what Morris might do while out on bail.

Still shaken, Santamaria expressed his pain on social media, describing Kith as his best friend and highlighting the impact the dog had on his life and everyone who met him. He stated that the loss of Kith had left a void in his home and his heart and promised to fight for justice so that the responsible party would not go unpunished.


“A huge void fills my heart. You were just my baby, MY BABY! My heart is broken, I’m lost, I’m empty without you, Kith. I really can’t say the words ‘rest in peace’ without breaking into pieces! […] The whole world knows how much you meant to me in my life! The whole world loved you! Anyone who ever met you or crossed paths with you instantly fell in love because you were such a sweet dog, all you ever wanted to do was play, play, play the whole day, buddy! […] It’s so hard to wake up and not see you, not feel you jumping on me to say good morning, not walking you and taking you to the park! I miss you so much. I love you so much. I can’t handle this pain. I won’t stop for anything to get justice for you, DADDY!”


Source: DailyMail | Photo: Instagram @lutheartiste | This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team

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