Learn How to Calm a Dog Afraid of Nail Trimming

Learn how to calm a dog afraid of nail trimming Learn how to calm a dog afraid of nail trimming. Illustration by Petepop

Trimming dogs’ nails is not an easy task. The fear in pets can range from slight aversion to absolute terror. This is because many animals feel pain when the procedure is not done correctly.

Dogs and cats have veins and nerves in their nails, requiring greater attention. But there’s no need to panic. There are some ways to calm your dog during this daunting task.

First, get your animal used to the touch of your hands. Handle your pet’s paws, move their toes and then practice touching a non-threatening object to their nails. You can pair this ritual with a positive reward, such as a tasty treat, affection, or praise, so they better accept your touch. Watch your dog’s body language throughout this process.

After this step, start getting your dog used to the presence of the nail clipper. Place the object around them, near their food bowl or even their bed. If you notice that your pet is upset, remove the clipper from their vicinity until they feel comfortable again. Eventually, bring the tool even closer. If you’re using an electric device, turn it on and off a few times so that, sooner or later, your dog becomes comfortable with the presence of the nail clipper.

When you notice your dog is calm around the object, touch it to one of your pet’s nails without actually cutting it. Repeat this with the other nails over a few days. Once you notice that you can touch all of your dog’s nails easily, it will be time to take action.

Now it’s time to start the task, but everything can be done slowly and gradually. Consider trimming one nail per day to avoid stressing your dog. This will take time, true, but patience is the key to trimming your dog’s nails without them being afraid of the process.

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