Impressive video shows puppy scaring a couple of lions  

Puppy scaring a couple of lions. Photo: Instagram reproduction  
Puppy scaring a couple of lions. Photo: Instagram reproduction

The video showing an extremely brave puppy scaring a couple of lions has left internet users speechless!  

+ Click here to watch the video

+ Video: Dog confronts mountain lion and survives to tell the tale 

In the clip, posted on Instagram, a little dog approaches a couple of lions relaxing in an open field. Suddenly, he starts barking at the two giants, leaving them truly confused.  

Published in early June, the impressive video has already amassed over 1.7 million views, as well as more than 90,000 likes and thousands of comments from internet users who were entertained by the puppy’s surprising bravery.  

“For [the caramel dog], every cat is a cat, no matter the size,” stated an Instagram user. “The lions were lucky that [the caramel dog] spared their lives,” joked another. “New king of the jungle,” admitted a third internet user.  

Photo and video: Instagram @maiconbianchiii  

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