Impressive Video Shows Giant Spider Receiving a Cricket for Dinner

Impressive Video Shows Giant Spider Receiving a Cricket for Dinner
Impressive Video Shows Giant Spider Receiving a Cricket for Dinner (Photo: Instagram @spoodersociety)

The shocking video of a spider receiving a cricket for dinner is leaving internet users stunned!

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The clip, posted on Instagram, shows a tarantula of the species Poecilotheria metallica getting a cricket for dinner. The footage captures the spider lunging at the insect in a shocking scene!

“Is it beautiful?” asks the caption shared with the impressive video, which has already received over 13 million views and hundreds of comments from internet users who are amazed by the unusual occurrence.

“She’s so beautiful,” said one Instagram user. “I saw the spider looking from the side as it approached,” commented another. “I hate spiders, but that color is amazing,” admitted a third user. “Don’t exaggerate, she’s just having breakfast,” joked yet another.

According to the Instagram user who shared the video, spiders of the species Poecilotheria metallica have this beautiful metallic blue color. They feed on small insects like crickets and mealworms and can live about 10 to 15 years in captivity!

Photo and video: Instagram @spoodersociety. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

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