Impressive video shows buffalo protecting mate from lioness attack

Impressive video shows buffalo protecting mate from lioness attack
Impressive video shows buffalo protecting mate from lioness attack (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

The impressive video of a buffalo charging at a lioness to protect its mate has left internet users in awe!

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The shocking clip, shared on Instagram, shows a buffalo relaxing in the middle of a road when a lioness approaches, ready to pounce.

Suddenly, another buffalo charges in to defend its mate, using its horns to toss the lioness into the air and thwart her attack attempt.

Posted on September 19, the video has already received over 24 million views, more than 400,000 likes, and thousands of comments from users who were shocked by the scene.

“I know it’s nature, but it still hurts to watch, anyway,” commented an Instagram user. “He messed with the wrong one,” said another. “Those who have a friend have everything,” stated a third internet user.

Photo and video: Instagram @wilda_nimalshorts98. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

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