The shocking video of a rhinoceros completely destroying a car with people inside is leaving internet users astonished!
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The clip, shared on Instagram, shows a small car approaching a rhinoceros. In response, the animal begins to attack, flipping the car several times in an open field while a person films the scene, horrified.
The video, published in mid-December last year, has already amassed over 1.4 million views, along with thousands of likes and comments from internet users who were impressed by the rhinoceros’s strength.
“The car provoked the rhinoceros. The driver was asking for trouble… and got it,” said one Instagram user. “Well done, Rhino! Leave all the wild animals alone!”, said another.
“Rhinoceroses treat almost everything as a threat because they can’t see well, so it probably felt it was in danger,” explained a third internet user.
Although they are herbivores, rhinoceroses are incredibly strong and can attack with over 3.6 tons of force when they charge at full speed. They have formidable jaws with a bite force of up to 1,000 PSI, and their skin is comparable to armor.