Impressive video: girl plays with her pet tarantulas

Girl plays with her pet tarantulas. Photo: Reproduction Instagram
Girl plays with her pet tarantulas. Photo: Reproduction Instagram

The impressive video showing a little girl playing with her pet tarantulas is leaving internet users amazed!

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“Pet tarantulas are known for their imposing size and vibrant colors, which vary depending on the species. Many people even keep them as exotic pets, admiring their beauty and unique behavior. Would you dare to have one?” says the caption.

The shocking clip, shared on Instagram in mid-April, has already received over 3 million views, as well as over 50,000 likes and hundreds of comments from internet users who were impressed by the scene.

“Just a normal day in Australia,” joked one Instagram user. “I couldn’t do that, too many legs for my taste,” said another. “My god, I would definitely die if one of those climbed on me like that,” admitted a third internet user.

According to the caption, these spiders, which rarely pose a danger to humans, can have a leg span of up to 30 centimeters and are covered with sensitive hairs that help them detect subtle movements around them.

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