Imagens fofas: fantasiados de humanos, cães tentam conquistar nova família

Imagens fofas: fantasiados de humanos, cães tentam conquistar nova família
Imagem: Reprodução/Instagram

Para conquistar uma nova família para seus cães mais velhos, este abrigo decidiu fazer algo para chamar a atenção: vestir seus cães como humanos. O resultado foi uma fofura.

Veja também:

Gata baleada ganha nova família após 175 dias em um abrigo
Golden retriever obeso é abandonado, ganha nova família e perde 45 kg
Gata de abrigo usa sorriso para conquistar uma família nova

Um abrigo nos Estados Unidos está ganhando o coração das pessoas por vestirem seus cães mais velhos como “senhores”, para dar mais chances que eles encontrem uma nova família.

Por conta da pandemia e da quarentena, as pessoas tiveram que passar mais tempo em casa e isso despertou o desejo de ter um pet. Mas, quando estão procurando um amigo de quatro patas, costumam ir atrás dos mais jovens.

Para que os mais velhos tenham destaque também, o abrigo vestiu eles de chapéus, óculos, perucas, gravatas e cachecóis para uma sessão de fotos. Na foto, também é possível ver o tempo que eles estão no abrigo e as personalidades deles.

Confira os cães que estão procurando uma nova família:


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Noke loves you already- and you’ve only just met through the pictures. We shared her story few times already and can’t believe she’s still homeless. She was adopted from us and returned after adopters didn’t feel comfortable handling big dog like that. She would probably do best with someone experienced with bigger dogs. Don’t get us wrong, she loves everyone she meets… Not only that- kids from Rymfire Elementary School spent quite a good amount of time teaching her sit, stay, down and leave it commands and she did fantastic! She’s ready to graduate from small end empty kennel to a home with people that will help her discover positives of life. She is perfect for chilling by the tv (might be the type that will race you to the favorite spot on the couch) , going for walks, sharing meals, plying video games (well, maybe you play, she’ll just watch next to you)… she can easily become one of the most important ‘people’ in your life. She just needs this one more chance… Come over and ask to see Noke. Get ready to fall in love.

Uma publicação compartilhada por Flagler Humane Society (@flagler_humane_society) em


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This hunk of love is MEATBALL. He is handsome, active and ready for his forever home. This sweet lover boy is plenty of spunky for his age. Meatball likes to play with other dogs but is the dominant one in the relationship. He plays rough sometimes so not every dog can handle him! He would like nothing more than to bring you his favorite toy when you get home and snuggle up with you on the couch. Although he has a rare blood disorder, he hasn’t slowed down one bit. IMHA is manageable and inexpensive to treat! He immediately loves everyone he meets and we know he’ll love you too. Will you take a chance on this young-at-heart boy??

Uma publicação compartilhada por Flagler Humane Society (@flagler_humane_society) em


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Meet Sharpie! She’s earned a scholarship in “Treat Tasting” and looking to graduate the shelter to your home as soon as possible! She’s kind of a big deal 😉 a celebrity of the shelter! She is one of our longest residents. Found wandering around a golf course for days. We posted her all over but no one ever came to look for her even though she was well-fed and wearing a collar. She was scared and sick with heartworms and skin allergies. It didn’t take her long behind our front desk to come out of her shell and flourish into the social butterfly she truly is! She has been treated and trained and is now looking for her perfect home. Preferably one where she is the only pet and gets ALL the love and attention she deserves. Come down to meet her today, you won’t regret it!

Uma publicação compartilhada por Flagler Humane Society (@flagler_humane_society) em

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