A hilarious video showing how cats and babies don’t always get along is making internet users burst into laughter!
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The funny clip, shared on Instagram, is a compilation of moments where cats were filmed reacting to mischievous babies.
Posted a few days ago, the video has already garnered over 220,000 views, along with more than 7,000 likes and hundreds of comments from internet users who were amused by the impatient felines.
“I’ve never liked cats. This just solidifies my choice,” commented one Instagram user. “I love when the cat swats at the baby, the expression on its face is priceless,” admitted another. “They’re innocent, they don’t know any better,” said a third internet user.
According to the ASPCA, while cats and babies can harmoniously coexist in the same household, precautions should still be taken by new or future parents to protect both the baby and the cat. Learn more!
Photo and video: Instagram @pets_stations_
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