Heartwarming Video: Chimpanzee Reunites with Couple Who Saved Its Life Seven Years Ago

Heartwarming Video: Chimpanzee Reunites with Couple Who Saved Its Life Seven Years Ago
Heartwarming Video: Chimpanzee Reunites with Couple Who Saved Its Life Seven Years Ago (Photo: Reprodução/Instagram)

The touching video showing the reunion between a chimpanzee and the couple who saved its life is bringing tears to viewers’ eyes!

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The clip, shared on Instagram, shows Limbani, the chimpanzee, calmly walking around when he suddenly recognizes Tania and Jorge Sanchez, the couple who saved his life seven years ago. Limbani then runs over to embrace them in a heartwarming scene.

Published in mid-June, the touching video has already garnered over 6.7 million views, as well as more than 280,000 likes and hundreds of comments from viewers who were moved by the scene.

“Take care of an animal for a day, and it will remember you for the rest of its life,” said one Instagram user. “What a beautiful friendship between human and animal,” commented another. “So lovely when he hides his eyes to cry,” said a third internet user.

Limbani was born with pneumonia and was rejected by his mother shortly after birth. After being rescued by Tania and Jorge, Limbani, still a baby, was transferred to the Zoological Wildlife Foundation in Miami, where he recovered and lived for many years.

Photo and video: Instagram @le.media.experience. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

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