Funny videos show sleeping dogs collapsing

Sleeping dogs. Photo: Instagram Reproduction @User
Sleeping dogs. Photo: Instagram Reproduction @User

The hilarious video that captures several dogs being caught by their owners falling asleep is making internet users laugh out loud!

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The funny clip, shared on Instagram in early June, is a compilation of moments where several puppies were filmed sleeping standing up and collapsing from sleep as if they were in a cartoon!

“Sleepy dogs,” reads the caption posted along with the video, which has already received over 64,000 views, as well as more than 5,000 likes and various comments from internet users who enjoyed the scene.

“They are all so cute,” commented one Instagram user. “How adorable,” said another. “Guys, they’re sleepy drunk,” joked a third internet user. “When you suddenly get deprived of a nap,” said another.

According to the Sleep Foundation website, most adult dogs seem to need eight to 13.5 hours of sleep every day, with an average of just under 11 hours. For comparison, most adult humans need seven to eight hours of sleep.

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