Funny video: metalhead dog annoys impatient cat

Funny video: metalhead dog annoys impatient cat
Funny video: metalhead dog annoys impatient cat (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

The hilarious video of a headbanging metalhead dog annoying an impatient cat is making internet users burst into laughter!

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The amusing clip, shared on Instagram a few days ago, shows a dog who is a huge fan of the band Metallica headbanging to the music of Master of Puppets while an impatient cat tries to stop him with a few swats.

“Time to headbang!” reads the caption posted alongside the video, which has already garnered over 7.8 million views, along with more than 180 thousand likes and hundreds of comments from amused viewers.

“The cat be like, ‘What’s going on?'” joked one Instagram user. “These guys are way more fun than Taylor Swift,” remarked another. “These are the original band members,” quipped yet another.

According to a 2012 study, dogs listening to classical music become more relaxed and bark less. Conversely, dogs listening to heavy metal become more excited and anxious.

Apparently, according to researchers, the rhythm of the music is a key factor in its ability to relax dogs, with an ideal speed of 50 to 60 beats per minute.

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