Experts condemn the Bully cat, an artificially bred feline breed

Experts condemn the bully cat, an artificially bred feline breed
Experts condemn the bully cat, an artificially bred feline breed (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

A new genetically modified breed of cats, called XL Bully, is leaving animal advocates “incredibly concerned” about how they have been bred, raising serious concerns about the well-being of pets.

Cats resembling the Sphynx have been designed to have a particular appearance, just like the XL Bully dog, whose exaggerated traits include muscular structures and abnormally large, cropped ears.

XL cats are also bred to look this way. They come with low bodies and stocky legs, hairless to display their wrinkled skin, and large, pointed ears with a wrinkled face. Like their canine counterparts, they are believed to have originated in the USA.

With the increasing popularity of the breed, animal welfare activists now fear they could become the new trend, which could have serious consequences.

“We are extremely concerned about the breeding of cats with extreme body types, and we have seen some sellers advertising ‘bully cats’ on online sales websites,” said Alison Richards, head of Clinical Services at the Cats Protection organization in the UK, to

“Our veterinary assessments of the photos and videos we have seen of these cats have raised serious welfare concerns,” she added. Speaking about their DNA composition, she noted that the lack of fur predisposes these cats to skin diseases, while their shortened legs lead to joint abnormalities, potentially resulting in arthritis.

They may also be at risk for diseases such as feline flu, flea infestations, worms, and ongoing behavioral issues. “Breeding for deformity causes unacceptable suffering and distress and prevents these cats from performing essential normal behaviors for their well-being. Cats with extreme characteristics are bred purely for profit,” she lamented.


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“There is a growing trend toward harmful body types, which can be incredibly painful and, in some cases, life-limiting for the cats involved. Breeding so-called bully cats or other cats with extreme characteristics means inflicting poor quality of life on an animal, and that is clearly inhumane,” Alison continued.

Cats Protection is calling on the government to introduce breeding regulations to prohibit the breeding of cats with extreme characteristics that may have a harmful effect on their health or welfare, or that of their offspring.”

“We would like to urge anyone wanting to have a cat to consider adopting one of the wonderful cats we have in our care; all cats from Cats Protection will be health checked by a veterinarian before being adopted,” she added.

Photo and video: Instagram @bullbinos. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

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