Everything you need to know about cat pregnancy and birth  

Information about cat pregnancy and birth. Photo: Reproduction Jacalyn Beales Unsplash  
Information about cat pregnancy and birth. Photo: Reproduction Jacalyn Beales Unsplash

Discovering that your cat is pregnant can be a shocking moment. Still, as a caring owner, ensuring that the pregnancy is as healthy as possible is part of your job.  

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Continue reading to find out everything you need to know to ensure your cat has a smooth pregnancy and that the kittens are born healthy:  

How long does a cat’s pregnancy last?  

According to veterinarian Diana Watkins, owner of 143 Veterinary Services in Massachusetts, USA, a cat is pregnant for about two months. In an interview with USA Today, she explained that pregnancy can last between 62 to 70 days, with the average gestation being 64 days.  

When should I take her to the vet?  

According to Watkins, most owners do not realize their cat is pregnant until the time of birth. This happens because not all cats show a noticeable baby bump. Some may have a bump early in the pregnancy, while other pregnancies may go unnoticed.  

With this in mind, if you suspect your cat is pregnant, take her to the vet, the expert suggested. They can help you care for your cat while she is pregnant.  

It is important for them to know she is pregnant so they do not administer the feline distemper vaccine, which protects against various infectious diseases but is not safe for the fetuses. Watch for these pregnancy symptoms: a distended or swollen belly; prominent nipples; nesting behavior or creating a cozy, quiet, and safe place to give birth.  

My cat is pregnant, what now?  

After receiving confirmation that your furry friend is pregnant, there are a few things you can do to keep her healthy and happy.  

To start, keep her indoors. You can feed your cat kitten food, which contains extra nutrients that growing babies need. Your vet can help you calculate the exact amount of calories needed during pregnancy, according to Watkins.  

Provide access to a safe and comfortable area for the birth. It should be somewhere hidden and out of the way, like under the bed or in a closet. Provide blankets, towels, and a box for nesting.  

When it’s time to give birth, Watkins explained that it’s best to keep your distance and let her do what she needs to do alone. However, she emphasized that you can check on her from time to time to ensure the process is going smoothly.  

They usually start to nest and disappear from sight a day before giving birth. The birthing process can take about six hours, and they typically give birth to one kitten every 30 minutes, according to Watkins.  

How many kittens can be born in a litter?  

Cats typically give birth to between four and six kittens, although a cat giving birth to her first litter may have fewer kittens, according to the veterinarian.  

It is important to be prepared for how many kittens to expect, whether you are planning to give them up for adoption or keep them in your home. Vets can count the fetuses with X-rays after more than 45 days of gestation.  

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