Cute video: Pigs enjoy waffle topped with chocolate

Cute video: pigs enjoy waffle covered with chocolate
Cute video: pigs enjoy waffle covered with chocolate (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

The cute video showing several pigs enjoying some waffles covered with chocolate is melting the hearts of internet users!

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The adorable video, shared on Instagram, shows four pigs sitting at the table, patiently waiting for their owner to offer them some pieces of delicious waffles covered with chocolate syrup.

“Started my birthday week off right with a nice family and some dear friends brunch in St. Augustine, Florida. Pop asked us to whip up a flock of ‘pigmosas’ to celebrate. Just one more day until I turn eleven!”, says the caption of the clip.

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The video, posted at the end of April, has already amassed over 2 million views, along with more than 28 thousand likes and hundreds of comments from internet users who were touched by the scene and took the opportunity to wish a happy birthday to the piglet Prissy.

“Happy birthday, Prissy! We love you!”, said one Instagram user. “How do you get cuter every year?”, commented another. “Better manners at the table than many children,” asserted a third internet user.

This content was created with the help of AI.

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