Cute video: pig and cat are best friends

Pig and cat are best friends. Photo: Reproduction Instagram
Pig and cat are best friends. Photo: Reproduction Instagram

The adorable video showing the unusual friendship between a pig and a kitten is melting the hearts of internet users!

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“Thanks to Hercules Haven for your rescue work and sanctuary. The rescued piglet Beatrice and her kitten friend Tempeh don’t care how the other looks on the outside, they feel the same on the inside. They don’t know difference, and we shouldn’t either,” reads the caption of the clip.

The adorable video, posted on Instagram in early April, has already garnered over 860,000 views, as well as over 72,000 likes and hundreds of comments from internet users who were moved by the scene.

“This made my day. So cute,” commented one Instagram user. “How precious!”, said another. “Hey friend… that cat is just using you,” remarked a third internet user. “The pig’s name is Uber,” joked another.

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