Cute Video: Man ‘enchants’ macaws, parakeets, and parrots with speech and song

Cute Video: Man 'enchants' macaws, parakeets, and parrots with speech and song
Cute Video: Man ‘enchants’ macaws, parakeets, and parrots with speech and song (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

The adorable video of a man who “enchants” macaws, parakeets, and parrots with a beautiful song is melting the hearts of internet users!

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The lovely clip, shared on Instagram, shows a man singing a charming song to several of his pet birds, including macaws, parakeets, and parrots of various colors.

The touching video, posted in early April, has already garnered over 370,000 views, as well as more than 21,000 likes and hundreds of comments from internet users who were moved by the unusual scene.

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“Man with his little birds! So spiritual,” commented one Instagram user. “When you don’t have a family, you make one,” another affirmed. “I don’t understand your language, but this video is so beautiful and you sing beautifully, it’s great that you have all these animals with you,” said a third internet user.

According to comments on the post, the man in the video appears to be saying a prayer in Hebrew at the end of Shabbat, the weekly day of rest in Judaism that symbolizes the seventh day in Genesis, to welcome the new week.

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