Cute video: golden retriever puppy helps care for a litter of kittens

Cute video: golden retriever helps take care of a litter of kittens
Cute video: golden retriever helps take care of a litter of kittens (Instagram / @erickamax2011)

In the adorable video that is charming the internet, a dog Golden Retriever demonstrates her maternal instinct by helping to care for a litter of kittens.

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With much affection, she engages in cleaning the little felines and even feeds them with her own milk, showing extraordinary empathy.

Interestingly, the Golden Retriever is also the mother of two puppies, and the interaction between the two mothers — the dog and the cat — is a spectacle in itself. While the Golden cares for the kittens, the feline mom also looks after and feeds the puppy, creating a beautiful example of solidarity between different species.

This touching scene highlights the beauty of motherhood and the mutual support that can exist, even among animals of different natures.

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