Cute video: Girl sings and enchants her pets at bedtime

Cute video: girl sings and charms her pets at bedtime
Cute video: girl sings and charms her pets at bedtime (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

The utterly adorable video of a little girl singing a lullaby to her pets before bed is melting the hearts of internet users!

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The charming clip, posted on Instagram, shows a girl surrounded by several of her pets, including various dogs of different breeds and even a kitten, who fall asleep and relax while listening to their owner sing.

“Look at these cuties,” says the caption shared with the video. Since it was posted last Monday (9th), the clip has garnered over 1.2 million views, more than 112,000 likes, and hundreds of comments from internet users who were moved by the scene.

“They love her,” said an Instagram user. “I’ve watched it several times, just to see each of their little faces,” commented another. “This girl is an angel, look at the peace she brings to these little angels,” said a third user. “Huge heart. Blessed girl,” wrote another.

Photo and video: Instagram @pinscher_sophia7. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

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