Cute video: Dog interrupts soccer match but is well treated by players

Dog interrupts soccer match. Photo: Reproduction Instagram
Dog interrupts soccer match. Photo: Reproduction Instagram

The adorable video of a dog running onto the soccer field during a match and being warmly received by the players is melting the hearts of internet users!

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The lovely clip, shared on Instagram, shows a dog running across the field to fetch the ball during a soccer match. Upon seeing the little dog, the players interrupt the game to pet him and remove him from the field.

“He just wanted to play,” reads the caption of the video, which has already garnered over 1.1 million views, along with more than 81,000 likes and hundreds of comments from internet users who were touched by the scene.

“The best player,” said one Instagram user. “It was so beautiful how they treated the little dog, congratulations,” said another. “He even got cuddles, how cute,” commented a third internet user. “They took the best field player away,” joked another.

The incident occurred last year during a match between the Curicó Unidos and Palestino teams at a stadium in La Cisterna, Chile. On social media, Palestino player Maximiliano Salas received much praise for his treatment of the dog.

This content was created with the assistance of AI.

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