Check out all the diseases pets can transmit to humans

Discover which diseases pets can transmit to humans. Photo: Reproduction Fanny Renaud | Unsplash  
Discover which diseases pets can transmit to humans. Photo: Reproduction Fanny Renaud | Unsplash

Having a pet at home is wonderful, but experts emphasize that there are some diseases they can transmit to humans.

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In conversation with CNN, Dr. Leana Wen, emergency physician and adjunct associate professor at George Washington University, discussed what these diseases are and what precautions owners should take to keep themselves and their animals healthy.

“Just as humans can transmit diseases to other humans, animals can transmit diseases to other members of their own species. Sometimes, animals can transmit diseases to other species, including humans who have had close contact with pets.”

According to her, the fecal-oral route is one of the most common in the transmission of diseases between pets and their owners. “Someone who is in contact with the feces of infected animals can contract the disease if they do not wash their hands well or if the fecal contents end up contaminating the water or food that will be ingested by humans,” explained Dr. Wen.

These diseases include bacterial infections such as Campylobacter and Salmonella, and parasitic infections such as Cryptosporidium, Giardia, and tapeworms. “There is a specific parasitic infection called toxoplasmosis, which is associated with cleaning cat litter boxes or ingesting food or water contaminated with cat feces,” said the expert.

According to Dr. Wen, a second route of infection is through scratches and bites. “Cat scratch disease, for example, is a bacterial infection that spreads when a cat scratches or bites a person enough to break their skin.”

A third route of infection is through another vector such as ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes. “Ticks, for example, can transmit infections that cause Lyme disease, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, and tularemia,” emphasized the expert.

But what can we do to reduce the risk of contracting diseases from our pets? According to Dr. Wen, owners should ensure that their dogs and cats are fully vaccinated.

Vaccines prevent not only many diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans, but also diseases limited to the animal but that can be harmful and even fatal. In addition, pets should also receive regular health check-ups.

If your pet shows signs of illness, it is important to take it to the veterinarian and try to reduce your contact with it in the meantime. “Identifying the cause of the illness can lead to faster treatment for the animal and possible tests and treatment for the human.”

Basic hygiene, such as washing hands well after handling feces and other waste, and ensuring that the animal’s living area is clean, are also precautions that should be taken to reduce the transmission of diseases.

“For many people, having a dog or cat is essential for their well-being and mental health. There are simple steps that everyone can take to reduce the risk of transmitting diseases from animals to humans,” concluded Dr. Wen.

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