Challenge: Can you find the hidden cat in the cactus in less than 15 seconds?

Challenge: Can you find the hidden cat in the cactus in less than 15 seconds?
Challenge: Can you find the hidden cat in the cactus in less than 15 seconds? (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

There’s a hidden cat in this image. Only individuals with the sharpest eyes can spot the feline concealed within the cactus in just 15 seconds. Can you?

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The optical illusion image, shared on Instagram, depicts a beautiful spiky cactus with numerous flowers. Hidden among the green leaves is a lovely gray cat gazing at the cactus with its alert yellow eyes.

(Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

In the caption of the post, the internet user reveals that only 10% of people can find the cat in this photo. Have you found it yet?

If you have, congratulations! You truly have an extraordinary eye for detail. For those who couldn’t, check the answer below:

(Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)
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