ASTROLOGY: see what your pet’s sign says about them and their compatibility with you

ASTROLOGY: see what your pet's sign says about them and their compatibility with you
ASTROLOGY: see what your pet’s sign says about them and their compatibility with you (Photo: Manuel Meza/Unsplash)

Just like with humans, your pet’s zodiac sign can tell a lot about their personality and compatibility with their owners.

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Learn more about how your pet’s sign influences their personality and if you really are the ideal match for them, according to astrologer Lisa Stardust:

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Just like Aries humans, an Aries animal is known for being “very undisciplined and fun-loving,” said Stardust to People magazine. They also tend to be athletic, which means they love going for walks, running, and exploring the outdoors.

When it comes to the most compatible owner, Aries pets pair well with Libra humans. Since Aries pets tend to be adventurous and sometimes impulsive, a Libra owner “will be able to ensure they maintain balance.”

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

For Taurus pups specifically, they “love the good things in life,” according to Stardust, adding that they “will want to receive new gifts and toys weekly, as well as receive homemade meals from their owner.”

Because the Taurus zodiac sign is known for being incredibly loyal, they need an owner who offers that in return. According to Stardust, Taurus pets will thrive best with Scorpio humans, as the Water sign owner “will be the most attentive to the pet who craves affection at all times.”

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Just like a Gemini human is known to be a social butterfly, Gemini dogs and cats “have the desire and need to communicate to the max with each other and with their owners,” said Stardust. As such, you’ll likely find this pet “purring and barking whenever they want something or are irritated.”

Since Geminis are known for being curious creatures, this pet sign will “vibe best” with a Sagittarius owner because they crave the same sense of adventure. Additionally, a Sagittarius will help the Gemini pet “step out of their comfort zone when bored with the mundane.”

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Because humans of the Cancer sign are known to be sentimental, you’ll often find this pet wanting to cuddle, whether it’s with owners or with another pet. “They are calm but always want hugs and affection when they connect with other pets,” added Stardust.

The practical Capricorn is the best owner for Cancer sign pets, as they will offer them the stability and routine they desire. “Capricorn pet owners are consistent with them,” affirmed the astrologer.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Just as Leo humans love to be the center of attention, Leo pets always want to show off, whether it’s displaying their stuff on walks or receiving praise from others, including humans and other pets.

Stardust noted that Leo pets are most compatible with Aquarius humans “because they are happiest sharing the spotlight with others and will have no problem with their pet overshadowing them.”

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

According to Stardust, a Virgo pet is known for being very “compassionate and analytical.” While Virgo cats “want to reflect by looking out the window and spying on the street while watching birds,” Virgo dogs “will be a bit more reserved.”

Virgo pets will be more in tune with Pisces parents, as they “will need someone who can understand them on an emotional and intuitive level,” stated Stardust.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Like a typical Libra, this pet loves the good things in life and is “always eager to indulge in decadence,” explained Stardust.

Libra pets match best with Aries humans, according to the astrologer, as they “need someone who can stand up for them and always defend them against others.”

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Scorpio pets can be “a bit reserved and mysterious” and “very emotional,” meaning it’s up to you to decode their barks when they try to “express themselves,” according to Stardust.

Due to their constantly changing moods, Stardust suggested that a Taurus owner would be the best for this pet sign, as they “need a loyal owner who will tolerate them.”

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

A Sagittarius pet is an adventurous pet, with Stardust adding that they “want to spend time outside wandering the city and always searching for a new path.”

With their passion for travel, the ideal owner of a Sagittarius pet is a Gemini “because they are always seeking new adventures and interacting with other people,” according to Stardust.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Unlike other pets, Capricorns “can be more reserved than others,” according to Stardust, although they can still be affectionate when they want to be.

“Love is often shown through mundane acts, like resting their head on the pet owner’s lap or playing tag with them,” commented the astrologer, adding that they enjoy spending most of their time alone.

Being a sensitive and loyal zodiac sign, Capricorn pets “thrive better if they have a more affectionate owner like [those of the sign of] Cancer, who will give them hugs and affection,” stated Stardust.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

The Aquarius pet is a rebel. Just as an Aquarius human is known to be unpredictable and witty, an Aquarius pet will stand firm. “When there’s an issue at home, they will fight against their pet parents if they think they are right,” commented Stardust.

Aquarius dogs and cats are best suited for Leo parents, as they “are very generous of heart and put their pet first.” Stardust adds that “a Leo Sun pet parent will be open to anything fun and will not put limits on their freedom.”

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Since this zodiac sign often lives in its own bubble, a Pisces pet “will want to get lost in thoughts and imagination when at home because they are dreamy,” stated Stardust.

According to the astrologer, a Pisces pet matches well with a Virgo owner “who can be more logical and practical, regulating their daily routines, as their heads often get lost in the clouds.”

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