3 Reasons Why Your Dog Won’t Leave Your Side

3 Reasons Why Your Dog Won’t Leave Your Side. Illustration: Petepop/Condutta

Does your dog sit next to you and casually lean against your leg? Or maybe they flop down on you while you’re on the couch? But why do they do this? The website DogTime listed three reasons why your dog won’t leave your side.

1. For Safety

If your dog is anxious or tends to get tense in certain situations, they may lean on you seeking physical or emotional support.
On the one hand, this behavior can indicate that your pet is feeling anxious and needs comfort. On the other hand, it also shows that your dog trusts you to keep them safe and secure.

If this happens during a walk in public, try moving to a less crowded area.

The presence of too many people or other animals can be stressful for pets.

2. Who’s the Boss?

Some people believe that dogs lean on humans as a way to assert territorial dominance.
They might be trying to show who’s in charge and dominate the space. However, more and more experts are challenging this idea.

Unless your dog displays a highly dominant personality in every aspect, it’s unlikely that they’re leaning on you to prove their alpha status.

3. Out of Love, of Course

Maybe your dog stays close to you simply because they love you. Pets enjoy attention and affection—they just want a little bit of care. As social animals by nature, physical closeness is essential to dogs.
Small dogs have the advantage of being able to sit in their owner’s lap, but large dogs don’t have that luxury.

As a result, larger dogs tend to lean against their humans’ legs to seek comfort.

Illustration: Petepop/Condutta. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

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