13 things you might not know, but are scaring your dog

13 things you might not know, but that are scaring your dog
13 things you might not know, but that are scaring your dog (Photo: Razvan Sassu/Unsplash)

Is your dog particularly fearful? According to experts, there are some unexpected things that can make them scared. Check out what they are and how to help them overcome their fears!

“It doesn’t matter what a dog might fear; if you approach the situation slowly and in stages, you’ll often see greater progress,” explained canine behavior specialist Cesar Milan, the famous “Dog Whisperer” and co-founder of Halo Collar, in a conversation with Country Living.

1. Your energy

Cesar explained that dogs are very sensitive to human energy. This means that if you exhibit negative energy, such as fear, anger, or irritation, they will feel it and react accordingly.

“When you show them your calm and assertive energy and that you are in control, most dogs will gladly follow you and look to you for guidance,” said the expert.

2. Falling

No one likes to fall, and dogs obviously don’t either. “Many dogs have a natural fear of falling, which is rooted in their self-preservation instinct,” said Nicole Ellis, a certified animal trainer and pet lifestyle specialist.

Because of this fear, dogs often behave differently on surfaces where they feel they might slip and fall, she adds, noting that ceramic, wooden, and laminate floors are common triggers. “Their paws lack traction to walk or run confidently on these surfaces, which can make them anxious and fearful,” she added.

3. Stairs

In addition to the fear of falling, some dogs may have a fear of stairs. Since they are naturally accustomed to walking on flat ground, even if there are hills or slopes, dogs may find steps in their homes unusual.

Additionally, stairs also create a combined fear of uncertainty paired with the fear of falling. To help your pup overcome a fear of stairs, be persistent with treats and praise. Eventually, they will get the hang of it.

4. Being left alone

The fear of abandonment is not exclusive to human experience: dogs also fear being left behind. As harmless as a trip to the supermarket or office without them may seem, to them, it can feel like the end of the world.

“Many dogs suffer from separation anxiety,” said Cesar. To help them overcome this fear, the expert suggested training them for separation. “You can make a game where they sit at a focal point while you move away. When you return, you can offer treats and calmness to your dog.”

5. Specific objects

Moving on to some more subjective fears, some dogs have a fear of specific objects. “Certain objects like umbrellas, hats, bags, or even specific clothing items can trigger fear in dogs, especially if they are not used to them or have had a bad experience,” Nicole commented.

If you notice that your dog panics when seeing or hearing a certain item (like a vacuum cleaner), use treats to positively reinforce good behavior around it.

6. New family members

When you bring a dog into your family, it gets used to the people it frequently interacts with. This is good, but it can be problematic if you’re expecting a baby or plan to have one in the future.

“Introducing a new family member is a tough hurdle for many pet owners,” Cesar explained. To ease the arrival of your new family member for your dog, he suggested bringing an item with the scent of your baby from the hospital before bringing them home.

“Have the dog sniff the item from a distance while you hold it. You also want to make sure to introduce the dog and the baby at a social distance from outside. Distance means respect,” the expert added. Over time, they will be able to get closer and closer.

7. New surroundings

“Oftentimes, when dogs look at their surroundings, they become nervous. It’s better to create a distraction using the dog’s nose rather than its ears or eyes,” advised Cesar.

For example, if you notice your pup seems anxious when parking, capture their attention by offering a treat. This will help them associate the place with a feeling of reward rather than fear.

8. Storms

Just like fireworks, storms unsettle dogs. Nicole explained that this is because thunder, lightning, and heavy rain can seem sporadic and unpredictable to them.

To acclimate your dog to these common natural sounds, consider using a sound machine paired with a positive reinforcement strategy, which includes encouraging words and, of course, lots of tasty treats.

9. Unfamiliar people

Fear of strangers is real for both humans and puppies. “Dogs generally fear new people approaching whom they are not familiar with,” Cesar explained.

To avoid an adverse reaction, the expert suggested displaying positive body language towards the person to show your dog that they are safe and can be trusted.

10. Being handled

Typically, dogs get used to their caretakers. However, just because they like you doesn’t mean they will feel comfortable being handled.

“Many dogs fear being touched in certain ways or being cared for, such as nail trimming, ear cleaning, or bathing, usually due to past negative experiences or lack of habituation,” Nicole warned.

The best way to help them overcome this fear is to gently expose them to being handled, with plenty of treats and praise throughout the process.

11. New crates

The crate should be a dog’s safe space. To ensure it appears that way to them, it’s important to make it comfortable and inviting, not a place of forced punishment.

With that in mind, Cesar advised introducing the crate to your dog casually so they can explore it on their own.

“You want them to feel comfortable. You can also add a toy or blanket inside so that it’s seen as a pleasant place,” emphasized the expert.

12. Car rides

Cesar noted that it’s common for dogs to be afraid of car rides. A combination of movement, sounds, and smells, along with uncertainty about where they are going, can put them on high alert.

The expert said that the best way to get them used to the car is to expose them regularly, even if it’s just by getting in the car to sit. “You can bring treats and toys to help make the car a positive place,” he added.

13. Fire alarms

Fire alarms fall into the same category of unpredictability as storms. “Dogs are generally afraid of fire alarms due to the sudden, loud, and high-pitched noise these devices produce,” Nicole explained.

“The sharp beep of a fire alarm, which is specifically designed to be piercing and attention-grabbing, can be extremely uncomfortable and even painful for dogs, and since fire alarms go off suddenly and without warning, they can startle dogs and cause fear,” she added.

However, since it’s difficult to predict when a fire alarm will go off, it’s best to always have treats within reach so you can distract your pup in the event of a panic-inducing alarm.

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