Mission impossible: video captures cats performing impressive acrobatics

Mission impossible: video captures cats in impressive acrobatics
Mission impossible: video captures cats in impressive acrobatics (Reproduction / Instagram)

Cats have a bone and muscle structure that allows them to be super flexible, which is why these little guys always surprise us with their acrobatics and climbing abilities.

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In this post, which went viral on social media, there’s a compilation of videos showing kittens displaying their best jumps and acrobatic stunts.

In some examples, cats climb walls, balance in unbelievable ways, and make impressive leaps.

Cats are natural ninjas,” joked one user in the comments of the post. “They defy physics,” said another. “I never get tired of watching videos that show how agile and intelligent cats are,” wrote yet another.

+ Cute video: man spends 5 days away and is warmly greeted by his huskies

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