The adorable video showcasing the beautiful story of a cat that hatched a brood of chicks and cared for them until they were adults is melting the hearts of internet users!
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The super cute clip, published on Instagram, shows a cat warming several eggs in a bed. As the video progresses, it’s possible to follow the birth and growth of the chicks, until they become large and healthy chickens, always by the side of their adoptive mom.
“This video never gets old! Cat mom”, says the caption shared along with the adorable video, which has already received over 850 thousand views, in addition to more than 46 thousand likes and hundreds of comments from internet users who were moved by the scene.
“The love of an animal is much better than that of humans”, said an Instagram user. “Precious friendship! She was their mom”, commented another. “Very, very beautiful! Humans have a lot to learn!”, stated a third internet user.