Understand What Your Dog Means When It Puts Its Paw on You

Understand What Your Dog Means When It Puts Its Paw on You
Understand What Your Dog Means When It Puts Its Paw on You. Illustration: Condutta

Do you know why dogs like to place their paw on a person’s leg or shoulder? Some believe it signals a dog’s ownership. Others think it’s a sign of affection. What is the real reason? Find out what dog trainer Rebecca Forres has to say.

To the The DogClinic website, the expert explains that this is a way for your dog to communicate with you. The most classic reason is that pets want attention. This request is reinforced by previous interactions. When your dog puts its paw on you, it usually gets affection. So, the animal will continue to use this technique to get belly rubs.

But not all motivations are so obvious. Many dogs let their owners know when they are hungry or when they feel that dinner time is approaching. In other words, your dog puts its paw on you to remind you that it’s time to eat. It’s worth noting that owners shouldn’t react by offering food every time this happens.

A dog may also put its paw on you when feeling stressed. Observe other body signals, such as the position of your dog’s ears, before ruling out this possibility.

However, dogs often just want to connect with their owner. The touch releases oxytocin, the “feel-good” hormone, just like in humans.

Putting the paw on you may simply be a sign that your dog wants to strengthen your friendship.

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