Meet Brodie, the dancing dog who earns more than NBA stars

Meet Brodie, the dancing dog who earns more than NBA stars
Meet Brodie, the dancing dog who earns more than NBA stars (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

Brodie, the dog, won a dance competition during the Lakers-Knicks game on Monday night (18) in Los Angeles and is earning more than some NBA players.

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The Goldendoodle (a mix of Golden Retriever and Poodle) appeared on the court of the Arena with the intention of boosting his popularity and the value of the already lucrative pet influencer.

Cliff Brush Jr, who is known as “Brodie’s dad,” is the dog’s owner. He stated that Brodie has earned over $1.5 million this year through social media platform revenues and partnerships with brands like Celsius and Viacom.

According to the Statista website, this amount exceeds the NBA minimum salary of $1.1 million for the 2023–2024 season. “Anything he wants, he gets,” Brush said about the 4-year-old dog, who already has over 1 million followers on his Instagram profile.


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Uma publicação compartilhada por Brodie The Goldendoodle (@brodiethatdood)

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