Train Your Cat to Do These 10 Impressive Tricks

Train Your Cat to Do These 10 Impressive Tricks
Train Your Cat to Do These 10 Impressive Tricks (Photo: Freepik)

There’s a common belief that cats can’t be trained in the same way dogs can. But that’s just a myth! With a lot of patience and tasty treats, you can teach your cat to do incredible tricks.

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Check out these 10 amazing tricks to teach your cat:

1. Sit

One of the simplest tricks for your cat to learn is sitting. This has various uses and is great for things like getting their attention, ensuring they wait before meals, and making them behave at the vet’s office.

The easiest way to teach them this command is to use the single verbal command “sit” while moving your hand downward. You might need to move around the room a bit while teaching this trick because obviously, you can’t tell your cat to sit if they’re already sitting somewhere.

2. Stay

Just like sitting, there are several reasons why you might need your cat to stay because if there’s one thing a cat loves to do, it’s going where you don’t want it to go. So, keeping them in one place will always be beneficial.

The easiest way to teach this trick is to ensure your cat fully understands the “sit” command. As they know how to sit, they can be taught to stay.

After they sit, instead of immediately giving them the treat, tell them to stay while you slowly move away. Once you’ve covered a reasonable distance, place the treat on the floor in front of you and tell them they can go get it, while praising their good behavior.

3. Come Here

The opposite of staying is “come here.” Cats love to roam, and that’s why it’s crucial they know to come back to you when called. This is especially important if you allow your cat occasional outdoor exploration.

If there are other people passing by or worse, other animals, it’s important that you have the authority to call your cat to stay by your side. If you come home and can’t find your cat, it’s also a way to locate them quickly without much searching.

The “come here” command has the potential to be taught alongside the “stay” command. These tricks for your cat are very similar and work hand in hand.

After your cat has successfully stayed, you can use the come here command to indicate they did well. Then, you can start using this command outside of training sessions. Eventually, they’ll learn to come when called.

4. High Five

It’s true that this next trick has very few practical applications. But sometimes, you just want to teach your cat some cool tricks to show off to your friends. The high five command is one of those tricks.

To teach your cat to give a high five, a good first step is to manually grab their paw and greet it with your hand, always gently. After a while of doing this, your cat should be able to understand what the motion and command mean.

5. Spin

The spin command is one that not every cat can learn, especially if they are older or disabled. This is because it’s more physically demanding than the others.

When you tell your cat to spin, they should lean on their hind legs and move in circular, almost spinning, motions. It’s challenging to teach this trick, but it’s also quite rewarding and a trick that will surely impress all your friends.

6. Lay Down

The next trick can be very practical. If you need to trim your cat’s nails, for example, or apply medication to their ears or eyes, the best command for those moments is “lay down.”

After teaching your cat to sit, which is one of the most basic commands to teach, the next part will be very easy. Instead of moving the treat downward, place it on the ground and point to it. This indicates to the cat that in order to receive the treat, they also need to lie down.

7. Roll Over

One of the more complex tricks on this list, it’s a trial of several steps. The first thing to do is to be able to teach your cat to lie down. Now that they’re on the ground, you need to implement the next command, which is “roll over.”

To do this, one of the best methods is to move the treat in a circular rolling motion while saying roll over. Even if initially, they’re just rolling onto their backs, still give them verbal encouragement. However, give the treat only after they’ve completed the full roll.

8. Speak

The speak command is one of the more advanced on this list, but it’s worth the effort. Start talking to your cat and wait for a response. Eventually, they’ll meow, even if it’s just out of confusion.

When they do, reward that behavior with a treat. Soon, they’ll be engaging in conversation, knowing they’ll get something tasty out of it.

9. Be Gentle

This is one of those cat tricks that has universal utility. It works especially if you have a particularly active breed of cat that doesn’t know its own strength.

Sometimes, during play or even during training, your cat might get a bit too aggressive. When this happens, they need a reminder to be gentle.

This command can be implemented in all your training sessions. When your cat goes to get the treat, step back slightly and tell them to be gentle before giving the treat. Over time, this will teach them to go calmly for the treat instead of attacking it.

10. Leash Walk

While less of a trick and more of a convenience, putting them in a harness or on a leash for a walk can be very helpful in teaching your cat to take controlled walks by your side.

When it’s time to go out, have your cat sit and stay while you get the harness. Give them a treat for waiting and then put on the harness.

After it’s on, give them a second treat so they know that putting on the harness will get them a reward. From there, they’ll begin to associate their leashes with tasty treats.

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