Family takes their little dog to enjoy the beach sunset on his last day of life

Family takes their little dog to enjoy the beach sunset on his last day of life
Family takes their little dog to enjoy the beach sunset on his last day of life (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

A family left dog lovers online in tears after sharing the last day of their little dog Walter’s life.

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Amy Mastromarino made an Instagram post in mid-October to bid farewell to their furry friend, who would have turned 13 years old this month. In the post’s comments, Amy shared that Walter had stomach cancer.

“You’re no longer in pain, my sweet puppy. I don’t know how time snuck up on me and how we got to this point. I didn’t know how much I could love a furry friend until I met you,” she said in the caption of the touching post.

“Growing up, I always wanted a a dog and I prayed and prayed and prayed every night — God made me wait a long time for you! And you were worth every second. The unconditional love you’ve given me, the smiles, laughter, the pureness of your doggy heart — these past 12 years have been the best years and the biggest blessings to me.”

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“You’ve gotten me through some of my darkest days, my entire pregnancy… you helped me grieve when I lost my dad… you just always knew how to make my bad days into good,” Amy continued.

“I know it’s not goodbye because I’ll see you again. But I will miss you every day of my life until then. Thank you for choosing me to be your dog mom. I loved you with my entire heart and soul, Walter, and I will forever.”

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